Time Encoder
Steplessly adjusts the loop's length by 1 millisecond.
If you press and hold the Time Encoder, steps of 10 milliseconds will be carried out.
Time Bar Buttons
Gradually adjust the loop's length or trigger the loop.
1-8; 1-4; 1-2; 1-1; 2-1; 4-1.
3.3.8 Reverse Loop
The Reverse Loop effect repeats the original signal in the selected length, reverses it and adds it to the original signal.
Level Depth
Adjusts the ratio between effect signal and original signal.
On the Effect Display -38- this will be shown as Dry & Wet.
0% stands for no effect.
100% stands for maximum effect setting.
Time Encoder
Steplessly adjusts the loop's length by 1 millisecond.
If you press and hold the Time Encoder, steps of 10 milliseconds will be carried out.
Time Bar Buttons
Gradually adjust the loop's length or trigger the loop.
1-8; 1-4; 1-2; 1-1; 2-1; 4-1.
3.3.9 Noise
Adding Signal Noise is a popular effect to emphasize certain passages in a track. The RMX-90DVS's noise can also be modulated via LFO to
create rhythmic effects.
Level Depth
Adjusts the noise's ‚color'.
Time Encoder
Steplessly adjusts the LFO's speed by 1 millisecond.
If you press and hold the Time Encoder, steps of 10 milliseconds will be carried out.
Time Bar Buttons
Gradually adjust the LFO's speed. By pressing button 1-4 the LFO will be deactivated.
3.3.10 Bit Crusher
The bit crusher effect reduces the original signal's quality which leads to a crispy oldschool sound.
Level Depth
Adjusts the ratio between effect signal and original signal.
On the Effect Display -38- this will be shown as Dry & Wet.
0% stands for no effect.
100% stands for maximum effect setting.
Time Encoder
Steplessly reduces the quality from -100 - +100.
Time Bar Buttons
Gradually reduce the quality -100 - +100.
100; 50; 10; -10; -50; -100.
3.3.11 Gate
The gate effect only makes signals audible that are above a certain amplitude level. A chopped sound is created hereby.
Level Depth
Adjusts the ratio between effect signal and original signal.
On the Effect Display -38- this will be shown as Dry & Wet.
0% stands for no effect.
100% stands for maximum effect setting.
Time Encoder
Gradually determines the amplitude value (threshold) where the effect sets in.
Time Bar Buttons
Determines the amplitude value (threshold) where the effect sets in.
1-4 ....... -2dB
1-2 ....... -3dB
3-4 ....... -4dB
1-1 ....... -6dB
2-1 ....... 10dB
4-1 ....... 20dB
3.3.12 Tape Delay
Tape Delay is a charismatic effect based on the first delay effect devices that were working with an endless tape loop.
Level Depth
Adjusts the ratio between effect signal and original signal.
On the Effect Display -38- this will be shown as Dry & Wet.
0% stands for no effect.
100% stands for maximum effect setting.
Time Encoder
Steplessly adjusts the tone pitch of the repeated signal from -100 - +100.
Time Bar Buttons
Gradually adjusts the tone pitch of the repeated signal.
-100 - +100.