SUMMARY OF PRECAUTIONS • Suction cover must be in place at all times to minimize the potential for hair and body entrapment. • Keep body and hair a minimum of 6" away from suction fitting at all times when the whirlpool system is operating. Hair longer than shoulder length should be secured close to the head.
CONTENTS TABLA DE CONTENIDO Specifications _________________________________________________________________________ 2-4 Especificaciones Roughing-in Reference _________________________________________________________________ 5-6 Diagramas de instalaciones Framing and Support ___________________________________________________________________ 7 Estructura y soporte Service Access _______________________________________________________________________ 8 Registros Electrical Connections ___________________________________________________________________ 8-9 Conexiones eléctricas Plumbing and Water Supply ______________________________________________________________ 9 Plomería y suministro de agua Operation ____________________________________________________________________________ 10-13 Funcionamiento...
Important: Read complete instructions before beginning installation. Each whirlpool bath arrives ready for installation, completely equipped with motor/pump assembly and plumbing and fittings necessary for whirlpool operation. An optional drain/overflow kit is available for installation on the bath. Remove the bath from the carton. Retain the shipping carton until satisfactory inspection of the product has been made. Do not lift the bath by the plumbing at any time;...
CORNER BATHS CUTOUT DIAGRAMA EN PLANTA DE TINAS DE ESQUINA 58" 58" 58" 58" 90° 90° 90° 90° 48-5/8" 50" 5' Corner 60" x 60" ROUGHING-IN REFERENCE DIAGRAMAS EN PLANTA DE INSTALACIONES Note: Unless otherwise specified, units are produced with left or right-hand versions. Nota: Si no se ha especificado de otra manera, las unidades se ofrecen con la bomba a la izquiera o a la derecha.
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ROUGHING-IN REFERENCE DIAGRAMAS EN PLANTA DE INSTALACIONES Note: Unless otherwise specified, units are produced with left or right-hand versions. Nota: Si no se ha especificado de otra manera, las unidades se ofrecen con la bomba a la izquiera o a la derecha. 8-1/2"...
Framing and Support The drain/overflow of the bath extends below the bottom of the bath. Note that this requires a cutout in the floor. The floor structure beneath the bath must be able to support a total weight of bath, water, and bather. Refer to the table under total weight for your model.
Service Access with Skirt U FRAME SKIRT MOUNTING DETAIL DETALLE DEL MONTAJE CON FALDON EN “U” An optional skirt fits along the side of the bath for above-floor in- SECURE SHELL CLIP stallations and is also an access panel for servicing. Allow a space of UNDER CENTER BATH RIM FINISHING at least 8 inches away from the bath for skirt removal.
Electrical Connections ELECTRICAL CONNECTION (FOR CORNER BATHS) CONEXIÓN ELÉCTRICA (PARA TINES DE ESQUINA) A separate circuit, which must be protected by a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI), is required. Install a duplex outlet to the studwall underneath the bathtub, at least 4 inches above the floor. 3 PRONG PLUG The duplex outlet is not provided.
Water Supply OPERATION Consult local authorities for plumbing code requirements in your Note: These instructions pertain to all bath products manu- area. factured by Asteria Company. Not all features discussed in this IMPORTANT: Proper installation of the fill spout plumbing and instruction pamphlet apply to all baths.
TYPICAL BATH FITTINGS Controlling Whirlpool Action ACCESORIOS TÍPICOS PARA TINAS The whirlpool action in your bath is influenced by three factors – direction of flow, force of water, and force of air. All baths manufac- MAGIC TOUCH WHIRLPOOL ON/OFF SWITCH tured by Asteria Company are equipped with directionally adjustable INTERRUPTOR NEUMÁTICO AIR CONTROL KNOB...
Purging the Whirlpool System TOTAL WHIRLPOOL EFFECT EFECTO TOTAL DE REMOLINO To remove accumulations of bath residue from the whirlpool sys- tem, we recommend that you purge it every 3 to 4 months. To do this, follow this simple procedure. Fill the bath with hot water (not exceed- ing 140°F).
Suction Cover/Strainer Maintenance Placa protectora de succión/mantenimiento Clean the suction cover/strainer of hair and debris when neces- del filtro sary. To do this, remove the center screw and detach the square Elimine los residuos de cabello y mugre acumulados en la cover.
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PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. USE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SUPPLIED WITH PRODUCT. Asteria Company has obtained applicable code (standards) listings generally available on a national basis for products of this type. It is the responsibility of the installer/owner to determine specific local code compliance prior to installation of the product. Asteria Company makes no representation or warranty regarding, and will not be responsible for any code compliance.
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GARANTÍA LIMITADA DE ASTERIA COMPANY COBERTURA DE LA GARANTÍA Asteria Company ( la "Compañía") ofrece la siguiente garantía limitada expresa a los compradores originales de cualquier tina deAsteria Company ("unidad") que compren el producto para uso personal o de una sola familia ("usuario"). La Compañía se compromete a la reparación o sustitución, según sea su decisión, de la unidad o sus equipos, de conformidad con los siguientes términos y condiciones.
RESPONSABILIDAD DE TERCEROS Es responsabilidad del instalador o del contratista constructor que actúen en nombre del usuario realizar una inspección de la unidad antes de instalarla. Ellos son responsables de asegurarse de que la unidad no tiene defectos ni daños. Se ponen avisos en la unidad y en la caja que la contiene para advertir al instalador sobre esta responsabilidad.
ASTERIA COMPANY LIMITED WARRANTY WARRANTY COVERAGE Asteria Company (the “Company”) offers the following express limited warranty to the original purchaser of any Asteria Company product (“unit”) who purchases the product for personal or single family use (“user”). The Company will repair or replace, at its option, the unit or its equipment in accordance with the following terms and conditions.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF OTHERS Inspecting the unit prior to installation is the responsibility of the installer or building contractor who acts on behalf of the user. They are responsible for ensuring the unit is free of defect or damage. Notices are placed on and in the unit and on the shipping carton advising the installer of this responsibility. In the event of a problem, the unit must not be installed.