Please, find below a table with the meaning of each oven function.
Please note that not all ovens have all fucntions. Take some tome
take to check the functions included in your oven and how they
WARNING: All functions will become activated
once the temperature is set to the desired level.
The order of the operating modes shown here might be
different than that of your product.
OFF: Oven will not function. Turn all buttons to this start
position to turn off the oven.
Lower Heater (Baking From Below): Only lower heater
will become activated. This function is suitable for
dishes that need baking from below, heating meals,
dishes that require long time baking at low heat such
as stews, and dishes that need to be brown on the
Upper Heater (Baking From Above): Only upper heater
will become activated. This function is suitable for
reheating meals and for dishes that need to be brown
on the upper side.
Figure 8