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Mophie space pack Manual Del Usuario página 6


At mophie, we are dedicated to making the best quality products we can.
To back this up, your mophie space pack is warranted for 1 full year from
the date of purchase. This warranty does not affect any statutory rights that
you may be entitled to. Keep a copy of your purchase receipt as proof of
purchase. Be sure to register your product at Failure to register
your product and/or to provide proof of purchase may void the warranty.
Read all instructions and warnings prior to using this product. Improper
use of this product may result in product damage, excess heat, toxic
fumes, fire or explosion, for which damages you ("Purchaser"), and not
mophie, LLC ("Manufacturer") are responsible.
N Do not store battery in high temperature environment, including
heat caused by intense sunlight. Do not place battery in fire or other
excessively hot environments.
N Be cautious of excessive drops, bumps, abrasions or other impacts
to this battery. If there is any damage to the battery such as dents,
punctures, tears, deformities or corrosion, due to any cause,
discontinue use and contact Manufacturer or dispose of it in an
appropriate manner at your local battery recycling center.
N Do not disassemble this battery or attempt to re-purpose or modify it
in any manner.
N Do not submerge this battery in liquid.
N Do not attempt to charge battery using any method, apparatus or
connection other than the device's USB connector. For questions or
instructions on the various ways to charge the space pack, refer to the
illustrations in this manual.
N Do not attempt to replace any part of this battery.
N If this battery is intended by Purchaser to be used by a minor,
purchasing adult agrees to provide detailed instructions and warnings
to any minor prior to use. Failure to do so is sole responsibility of
Purchaser, who agrees to indemnify Manufacturer for any unintended
use/misuse by a minor.
N All batteries have gone through a thorough quality assurance
inspection. If you find that your battery is excessively hot, is emitting
odor, is deformed, abraded, cut or is experiencing or demonstrating
an abnormal phenomenon, immediately stop all battery use and
contact Manufacturer.
N For extended storage, first charge your battery for one hour.
N Never dispose of batteries in the garbage. Disposal of batteries
in the garbage is unlawful under state and federal environmental
laws and regulations. Always take used batteries to your local
battery-recycling center.
N This product contains chemicals that are known to the state of California
to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
This battery is meant for use only in conjunction with the appropriate
mobile device. Please consult your device packaging to determine
whether this battery is compatible with your particular mobile device.
Manufacturer is not responsible for any damages to any mobile device
incurred through the use of this product.
Manufacturer shall not in any way be liable to you or to any third party for
any damages you or any third party may suffer as a result of use, intended
or unintended, or misuse of this battery in conjunction with any device or
accessory other than the appropriate mobile device for which this battery is
designed. Manufacturer will not be responsible for any damages you or any
third party may suffer as a result of misuse of this battery as outlined above.
If you are responsible for battery use with an unintended mobile device and
damages result from such use, you agree to indemnify Manufacturer for any
resulting injuries to any third part(ies).
mophie, space pack, mophie loves you, Do more, "more time to rock, talk,
surf, and send!", the "rock/talk/surf/send" icons, and the mophie logo are
trademarks of mophie, Inc. iPad, iPad mini, and Retina are trademarks of
Apple Inc. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. All other trademarks
are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. "Made for
iPad" means that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect
specifically to iPad and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple
performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this
device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Please note
that the use of this accessory with iPad may affect wireless performance.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and RSS-Gen of IC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced technician for help.
CAUTION: To comply with the limits of the Class B digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules, this device must be used with certified peripherals
and shielded cables. All peripherals must be shielded and grounded.
Operation with non-certified peripherals or non-shielded cables may result
in interference to radio or reception.
MODIFICATION: Any changes or modifications of this device could void
the warranty.
*1GB = 1,000,000,000 Bytes. 1MB = 1,000,000 Bytes. Approximations: Results
will vary based on file size. Photos estimated from a 2MB average per JPEG
image. Video estimated from H.264 compressed video at a rate of 5Mb/sec.
Songs estimated from MP3 compressed audio at 128kb/sec at 3 minutes, 30
seconds per song. Files in formats incompatible with iOS can be stored but
not opened.
mophie s'engage à fabriquer des produits de la meilleure qualité
possible. Pour tenir cette promesse, votre space pack mophie est garantie
pendant 1 an à compter de la date d'achat. Cette garantie n'affecte aucun
droit légal auquel vous pourriez prétendre. Conservez une copie de votre
facture comme preuve d'achat. Assurez-vous d'enregistrer votre produit
sur Un défaut d'enregistrement de votre produit et/ou
l'absence de preuve d'achat peut annuler la garantie.
Lisez attentivement toutes les instructions et tous les avertissements
avant d'utiliser ce produit. Une mauvaise utilisation de ce produit peut
entraîner des dommages tels que détérioration, surchauffe, fumées
toxiques, incendie ou explosion dont vous (« l'Acheteur ») et non mophie,
LLC (le « Fabricant ») serez tenu pour responsable.
N Ne rangez pas la batterie dans un endroit soumis à des températures
élevées, y compris une chaleur solaire intense. Ne placez pas la batterie
dans un feu ou dans d'autres environnements extrêmement chauds.
N Évitez les chutes, bosses, éraflures ou autres impacts excessifs infligés
à cette batterie. Si la batterie subissait des dommages tels que bosses,
piqûres, déchirures, déformations ou corrosion, quelle qu'en soit
la cause, cessez de l'utiliser et contactez le Fabricant ou procédez à
son élimination de manière appropriée auprès de votre centre de
recyclage des batteries le plus proche.
N Ne démontez pas cette batterie et n'essayez pas de la reconditionner ni
de la modifier d'une quelconque façon.
N N'immergez pas cette batterie dans un liquide.
N N'essayez pas de recharger cette batterie à l'aide de tout(e) méthode,
dispositif ou connexion autre que le connecteur USB de l'appareil. Pour
toute question ou instruction concernant les différentes façons de
recharger la space pack, reportez-vous aux illustrations de ce manuel.
N Ne tentez pas de remplacer une pièce de cette batterie, quelle qu'elle soit.
N Si l' A cheteur se procure cette batterie pour la confier à un mineur, l'adulte
procédant à l'achat accepte de fournir des instructions et avertissements
détaillés à tout mineur avant utilisation. Tout manquement à cet
engagement implique la responsabilité de l' A cheteur, qui accepte
d'indemniser le Fabricant en cas d'utilisation non intentionnelle ou
inappropriée par un mineur.
N Toutes les batteries ont été soumises à un contrôle qualité approfondi. Si
votre batterie chauffe excessivement, dégage une odeur, est déformée,
rayée, coupée ou qu'elle subit ou présente un comportement anormal,
arrêtez immédiatement de l'utiliser et contactez le fabricant.
N Avant un stockage prolongé, chargez d'abord votre batterie
pendant une heure.
N Ne jetez jamais de batteries à la poubelle. Jeter les batteries à la poubelle
est illégal en vertu des lois et réglementations environnementales
fédérales et nationales. Rapportez toujours vos batteries usagées dans
votre centre local de recyclage des batteries.
N Ce produit contient des produits chimiques connus dans l'État de
Californie pour causer des cancers et des malformations congénitales ou
autres troubles du système reproductif.
Mentions légales
Cette batterie est conçue pour n'être utilisée qu'avec l'appareil mobile
approprié. Veuillez consulter l'emballage de votre appareil pour
déterminer si cette batterie est compatible avec votre appareil mobile.
Le Fabricant n'est pas responsable des dommages causés à un appareil
mobile du fait de l'utilisation de ce produit.
Le Fabricant ne peut en aucun cas être tenu pour responsable envers vous
ou tout tiers des dommages que vous ou ce tiers pourriez subir suite à
l'utilisation, intentionnelle ou non et appropriée ou non, de cette batterie

