3: Make a Gift Tag from Scratch
What Your Laser Can Do
To create a great design for your Glowforge, it's useful to understand the three things your laser can
● Cut: The laser moves slowly along a path, at full power, to cut all the way through the material.
● Score: The laser moves quickly along a path, at lower power, to draw a line.
● Engrave: The laser moves quickly back and forth, turning on and off thousands of times per
second, to create an image on the surface.
If you're not familiar with vector design, it starts with two simple ideas: a stroke (which is an outline) and
a fill (which is a filled-in shape). When you upload your file, strokes become cuts and fills become
engraves. You can then switch a stroke to a score.
Each color is a different step in the printing process. You can assign different settings to each color.
For example, if you want one shape to be engraved lightly and another more deeply, fill each shape
with a different color. Before printing, you can choose a light engrave setting for one and a dark setting
for the other.
There are many vector graphics editors out there, but we'll use Inkscape for this example because it's
free and available for both Mac and PC. Note that we can provide support for customers who are using
either Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator.
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