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Installation and usage instructions
Montage-und Gebrauchsanleitung
Instructions de montage et mode d'emploi
Instruciones de montaje y uso
Istruzioni di montaggio e d'uso
Please consult the website for
instructions in the languages:
Kit Frame
Kit Frame
Kit Frame
Kit Frame
Kit Frame



Resumen de contenidos para Fiamma KIT FRAME DUCATO

  • Página 1 Montage-und Gebrauchsanleitung Kit Frame Instructions de montage et mode d’emploi Kit Frame Instruciones de montaje y uso Kit Frame Istruzioni di montaggio e d’uso Please consult the website for instructions in the languages: NL-SV-DA-NO-FI-PT CARRY-BIKE KIT FRAME DUCATO 08753-01- FIAT DUCATO...
  • Página 2 CARRY-BIKE M6x25 N/50/M6 6,5x18x2 6,4x12,5x1,6 M6x25 M6x25 8,4x20x2 8,4x17x1,6 M6x18 M6x55 M6x50 M6x45 6,5x18x2 Ø 6,5 Ø 8...
  • Página 3 CARRY-BIKE 10,8 kg 5 cm Package contents / Verpackungsinhalt / Contenu de l’emballage / Contenido del embalaje / Contenuto dell’imballo p. 2 Installation instructions / Montageanleitung / Instructions de montage / Instrucciones de montaje / Istruzioni di montaggiom p. 4 Safety instructions / Sicherheitshinweise / Consignes de sécurité...
  • Página 4 CARRY-BIKE Check that nothing has been damaged or deformed during transport. In the event of doubts or questions concerning the installation, use or limitations of the product, contact the dealer. We recommend that the installation is carried out by qualifi ed personnel and in compliance with current local regulations.
  • Página 5 CARRY-BIKE Antes del montaje es preciso asegurarse Before installaton, make sure that de que el portón esté bien cerrado. the rear door is securely closed. Vor der Montage sicherstellen, dass Prima del die Tür gut geschlossen ist. montaggio, assicurarsi che il Avant de procéder au montage, portellone sia ben vérifi...
  • Página 6 CARRY-BIKE...
  • Página 7 CARRY-BIKE Remove the fi rst screw and replace with X, W and J. Repeat the operation also with the other screws, but ALWAYS ONE A TIME. Zuerst die Schraube entfernen und durch X, W und J ersetzen. Den Vorgang auch an den anderen Schrauben wiederholen, aber IMMER NUR EINZELN.
  • Página 8 CARRY-BIKE Attention: tighten the screw without forcing Achtung: schrauben ohne großen Druck anziehen Attention: serrer la vis sans forcer Cuidado: apretar el tornillo sin forzar Attenzione: stringere la vite senza forzare Attention: tighten the screw without forcing Achtung: Schrauben ohne großen Druck anziehen Attention: serrer la vis sans forcer...
  • Página 9 CARRY-BIKE B2 A2 B2 A2 Do not completely tighten the No apretar los tornillos completamente screws Schrauben bitte nicht komplett Non stringere completamente le viti anziehen Ne pas serrer complètement les vis...
  • Página 10 CARRY-BIKE...
  • Página 11 CARRY-BIKE Tighten the screws fi rmly Apretar bien los tornillos Schrauben bitte gut anziehen Stringere bene le viti Bien serrer les vis...
  • Página 12 CARRY-BIKE Ø 10 Ø 10 Ø 10 Ø 10...
  • Página 13 CARRY-BIKE...
  • Página 14 CARRY-BIKE...
  • Página 15 CARRY-BIKE Attention: keep the following labels and affi x them to the Carry-Bike rails. Achtung: Bewahren Sie die folgenden Etiketten auf und bringen Sie diese an den Carry-Bike-Schienen an. Attention : conserver les étiquettes suivantes ou collez-les sur les rails du Carry-Bike. Atención: guardar las siguientes etiquetas o pegarlas en las guías del Carry-Bike.
  • Página 16 In caso di problemi contattare il rivenditore di zona, comunicando i dati riportati sulla targhetta. Consultare il sito web per l’esploso ricambi. Warranty Fiamma In case of defects with regards to materials and manufacturing, the customer is entitled to the warranty in accordance with local laws and regulations of the country in which the product was purchased.
  • Página 17 CARRY-BIKE...
  • Página 18 CARRY-BIKE...
  • Página 19 CARRY-BIKE...
  • Página 20 All rights reserved. Fiamma S.p.A. reserves the right to modify at any time, without notice, prices, materials, Fiamma S.p.A. - Italy specifi cations and models or to cease Via San Rocco, 56 production of any model. 21010 Cardano al Campo (VA)

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