8. Safety
DO NOT use the inverter near any flammable substance
DO NOT place the inverter near any water, moisture, oil or grease
DO NOT expose the inverter to direct sunlight or heat source
Make sure to provide adequate ventilation to the inverter
Make sure to keep the inverter out of reach from children
9. Troubleshooting
If the inverter does not appear to be functioning properly, there are several reasons why the
inverter may not be responding and the potential solutions to fix it.
• No output power
Check if all the contact parts are connected thoroughly
Check if the fuse has been damaged/burned. The fuse is located on the PCB board.
Check the receptacle wiring. Repair if necessary.
• Overload caused AC output to reduce or shutdown
Reduce the wattage of your load to lower than maximum continuous output power
• Thermal caused AC output to reduce or shutdown
Turn off the inverter. Then, reduce the load or wait until the inverter cooldown. Lastly, turn the
inverter back on.
• Low battery shutdown
Recharge your battery and resume operation.
• Settings Reset
Steps: Turn off the inverter. Press and hold the display button. Turn on the inverter while keep
holding the display button. After 5 seconds, the display will show "SETTINGS RESET". Release the
display button and the settings reset is completed.
Result: This operation will reset all the configurations on the inverter including but not limited to:
energy-saving mode, output frequency, buzzer, output voltage type, timer settings.
• Factory Reset
Steps: Turn off the inverter. Press and hold the display button. Turn on the inverter while keep
holding the display button. After 5 seconds, the display will show "SETTINGS RESET". Continue to
hold the display button. After 10 seconds, the display will show "FACTORY RESET". Release the
display button and the factory reset is completed.
Result: This operation will reset the firmware on the inverter back to original factory firmware.
User Flow:
(Display Button)
(Power Switch)
Hold the
Turn ON the
Display Button
Settings reset
Factory reset
Keep holding
the Button
Hold 5 secs
Hold 5 more secs
Vedpak 236_Version 1_08.2021