Special requirements for R32
Refrigerant leakage and open flame are not allowed.
Be aware that the R32 refrigerant does NOT contain an odour.
The appliance shall be stored so as to prevent mechanical damage and in a well-ventilated room
without continuously operating ignition sources (example: open flames, an operating gas
appliance) and have a room size as specified below.
Do NOT re-use joints which have been used already.
Joints made in installation among parts of refrigerant system shall be accessible for maintenance
Make sure installation, servicing, maintenance and repair comply with instractions and with applicable
legislation (for example national gas regulation) and are executed only by authorised persons.
Pipework should be protected from physical damage.
Installation of pipework should be kept to a minimum.
If the total refrigerant charged in the system is ≤1.842 kg , there are no additional minimum floor area
If the total refrigerant charged in the system is >1.842 kg, you need to comply with additional
minimum floor area requirements as described in the following flow chart. The flow chart uses the
following tables: "Table 1-Maximum refrigerant charge allowed in a room: indoor unit" on page 5, "Table 2-
Minimum floor area: indoor unit" on page 5 and "Table 3-Minimum venting opening area for natural
ventilation: indoor unit" on page 5.