• Depending on the motorhome model, the door to access the
WC cassette may be on the right or left side.
• The tank must be emptied as soon as the red LED light on the
toilet control panel or WC is turned on.
• Make sure the WC discharge door is closed, lever A must be in
the central position.
• Open the lock B with the key, then remove it.
• Press button C and open the door.
• Apply light pressure upwards on the appropriate handle D and
remove the cassette.
• Cover the discharge valve with the provided cap E.
• Extract and lift the cassette using handle A from locking posi-
tion, carry the cassette to an authorised dumping point holding
it by the handle.
• Put the handle back, turn the coupling B, remove the dispens-
er cap, pour specific toilet fluid into the cassette, add approx-
imately 2 litres of water and grasp the tank so as to hold the
ventilation button pressed whilst emptying.