Hardware Needed
#8 x 1 7/16
Sheet Metal Screw
(Qty. 6)
#8 x 7/16
Sheet Metal Screw
(Qty. 18)
8. Lay out Right Side Rails #25, Left Side Rails
#29 and End Rails #26, around edges of
table top as shown in Figure 5.
9. Slide Left #36 and Right #35 Vinyl End
Caps onto the ends of the Side Rails #25
& 29 as shown in Detail E.
10. Line up holes in rails with indentations in
top and secure using eighteen screws
#20. See Figure 5 & Detail E.
11. Lay Corner Caps #22 on table as shown
in Figure 5. If Corner Cap sticks above
the table top surface of the table, flip over
so shorter distance is against edge.
Secure to bottom of table with three
Screws #21. See Detail F.
Note: Stiga
logo must be on
this end of Rail.
(LH Rail)
Note: Rails attach
with #20 screws
Figure 3
Figure 6
Figure 3
Detail F
Note: Stiga
logo must be on
this end of Rail.
(RH Rail)
35 (RH)
Detail E