Check that all the valves are fully closed and
the hose connections are completely tight.
If necessary, carry out a leakage test using
soapy water.
1. Attach the regulator (10) to the gas bottle
and open it.
2. Then open the regulator (10) and the
adjustment valve (4), press the gas
throttle in (8) and wait a moment until
the air has been forced out of the system.
3. Light the � ame on the burner (1) using
the built-in spark lighter (11) or a naked
� ame. Make sure not to touch the � ame
once the gas is lit with an external � ame
4. Adjust the � ame using the adjustment
valve (4) while holding the gas throttle
(8) in. The � ame must not lick around
the burner head (1). Note that if the gas
bottle is brand new or if the gas burner is
cold, the � ame may be uneven, but this
will rectify after a brief time.
5. When you release the gas throttle (8),
the burner moves over to a low � ame
compared to the setting selected on the
adjustment value (4) to save gas. You
can put the burner down temporarily
by placing it on the support leg (3 – not
6. Make sure that the � ame and the burner
cannot ignite anything in the vicinity
when you put it down.
Switching off
Close the regulator on the gas bottle. Only
close the adjustment valve on the gas burner
once the � ame has gone out so that the last
of the gas in the hose and pipe is burnt off .
Cleaning and maintenance
Allow the roo� ng set to cool. Blow the set
clean with compressed air or wipe it down
using a well-wrung cloth.
Important! A roo� ng set operates at very
high temperatures and can easily ignite
buildings, fences, nature, etc.
If you use the roo� ng set as a weed burner,
you need to be aware of the instructions
Treating weeds using a � ame is an
environmentally-friendly method of weed
control, but also requires full attention and
responsible use of the equipment.
1. The weeds should not be burned, but
seared. Flame-treating weeds, i.e. brie� y
searing them, destroys the cell walls in
the leaves, causing the plant to die within
a few days.
2. Do not use in drought periods or windy
weather. Only use the roo� ng set if the
ground is damp or water the area before
use. Always keep � re extinguishing
equipment or a bucket of water nearby.
3. Keep clear of dry leaves or other
combustible material. Do not use the
roo� ng set near buildings, bushes and
cars, and ensure the � ame always points
away from � ammable objects.
4. Always monitor the � ame and never
leave a lit burner. Remember the burner
is hot after use. Always keep the burner
away from children and animals – both
during use and storage.