Regulation type
(this menu is active only if operating mode = heating)
Setting up:
to choose on/off regulation.
to choose proportional regulation.
Factory value:
Note: the on/off regulation is suitable for most home situations.
Therefore it is advisable to modify this parameter only in case of real need.
For more information on the characteristics of the on/off and proportional regulation
logic, see "Regulation type" on page 68.
Parameters for regulation type
(this menu varies depending on the chosen regulation type)
If the chosen regulation type is on/off, set the
differential dif. Allowed values: 0.1°C ÷ 1°C.
Factory value: 0.3 °C
If the chosen regulation type is proportional,
set the band bnd and the period per.
Allowed values: 0.5°C ÷ 5°C (band),
10, 20 or 30 minutes (period).
Factory value: 0.5 °C (band),
10 minutes (period).
For more information on the parameters
of the regulation logics, see
"Regulation type" on page 68.
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OB326900 Chronothermostat User Manual