Pos: 12 /T echnische Dokum entation/Flash CORIO/PURA/Vorb ereitungen @ 1 \mod_14 576 025 663 71_ 18.docx @ 939 0 @ 12 2 @ 1
Switch off the unit and disconnect it from the power supply before
cleaning it.
Always empty the bath before moving the unit.
Place the water bath in an upright position.
Explosion hazard
The unit is not for use in explosive environment.
Potential hazards from the samples
Proper use of water baths includes immersion of samples contained in
test tubes, Erlenmeyer flasks, or other containers for the purpose of
controlling their temperature.
We do not know which substances are contained within these vessels.
Many substances are:
inflammable, easily ignited or explosive
hazardous to health
environmentally unsafe
i.e.: dangerous
The user is responsible for the handling of these substances!
Always properly seal all sample containers.
There is a danger of electrochemical oxidation or
corrosion when using test-tube racks or samples made of
non-ferrous metal.
Avoid using these types of racks or samples.
Use only original JULABO test-tube racks.