Pos: 14 /T echnische Dokum entation/Flash CORIO/CORIO_CD_ GESAM T/Inbetriebnahm e - Netzspannung, ausführliche W arnung @ 0\mod_14 092 184 505 61_1 8.docx @ 6 763 @ 1 @ 1
The working filling level depends on size and number of the items
(fixtures) to be placed inside.
The recommended procedure is to fill the water bath only partially,
place the items (fixtures) inside and then correct the filling level (adding
or removing liquid) as required.
Use the water bath cover to keep temperature losses to a minimum.
This is especially important for working temperatures above 60 °C.
Press the mains switch to turn the water bath off
Pull of the mains cable from the water bath device
Place a suitable collecting bucket or tub underneath the unit for
draining the used bath liquid.
Push a hose (inner diameter 12 mm) onto the drain stud.
To drain, turn the drain tap on the side of the water bath from
position "A" to "B".
When the water bath is completely drained, turn the drain tap back
to position "A".
Remove the hose.