Place the unit
vertically on your
belly button.
Place the unit
vertically on the
buttocks, halfway
between the
centre line and the
side of your body.
Switching the device on and off
1. Press and hold the power button on the unit to switch
on the device.
2. A beep will sound and a green light will show.
3. Now press the power button on the remote control. Two
beeps will sound to indicate that the remote and the
device are paired.
4. The device turns off automatically after treatment time
has elapsed.
5. Press the power button to switch off the device
NoTE: Do not switch the device on until the electrodes
have been connected correctly.
fRoNT of THE
Place the unit
vertically on the
front of the thigh
caLf muScLES
Place the unit vertically on each
calf muscle. Do not place the
pads too low on the leg, as this
lead to unpleasant contractions.
back of THE
Place the unit
vertically on the
back of the thigh
muscle. Do not
place pads too
low on the leg,
as this can lead
to unpleasant