Caution! Move contacts very carefully! Use only a
pen to move the contacts! Do not use your fi ngers
to move the contacts! Violence can damage the con-
tacts! Damaged contacts are out of guarantee!
3. Now you can defi nitely fi x the battery pack on top of
the battery charger contacts. The battery pack does
not have to lie on the fl oor plate of the charger. A
fl oating position is suffi cient.
The steps 1 to 3 must be repeated for every battery
type. The green LED will be on or fl ashes if the battery
is contacted correctly. If the green LED is off, the bat-
tery pack is not contacted correctly. Please check the
contacts once more. If the the contact is ok you have in-
serted the wrong battery type or a faulty battery pack.
The green LED indicates the charge process. LED
functions are explained in the list below. The Battery
Activator Function for deep discharged Li-Ion batteries
works with delay and starts the charge process after a
longer test stage.
Do not charge 9 V NiMH / NiCd battery packs!