The PDC module is available in following versions:
wireless M-Bus radio module according to DIN
EN 13757-4 (868 MHz)
LPWAN-Radio module (868 MHz) for LoRaWAN®
The PDC modules are each powered from a lithium
battery, which - depending of the input channels and
the sending interval - has a lifetime of up to 15 years
(wM-Bus) and 10 years (LoRaWAN
2. General technical data
Battery voltage
Pulse duration
Pulse pause
Battery lifetime
Ambient temperature
Protection class
Requirements for pulse
output incl. connection
Data logger (LoRaWAN®)
Annual due date values:
Monthly values
Daily values
Data logger (wM-Bus)
Annual due date values:
Monthly values
Daily values
Quarter-hour values
min. 20 ms
min. 20 ms
depending on the mode (number
of channels used, wM-Bus package
type, transmission frequency.
up to 15 years is possible; for
LoRaWAN® upto 10 years
> 0 °C to + 55 °C
IP54 (without) and IP68 (with
electronics filled with resin to
avoid moisture entering)
max. 300 Ω or max. 0,3V (ON) /
max. 1000pF (OFF)
18 plus 18 half-monthly
max. 32
max. 4
18 plus 18 half-monthly
max. 96
max. 96
Abb. 2:
Abb. 2:
Fig. 1: PDC
Fig. 2: PDC
PDC inkl.
PDC inkl.
incl. Reed-
incl. Reed-
switch for
switch for
für MTKD-N
für MTKD-N
3.Installation respective retrofitting of the PDC to a
The ZENNER PDC modules are designed primarily for
all water meters of ZENNER which can be retrofitted
with a pulse generator (model -N). Basically, a PDC
can be connected to any meter with suitable pulse
Potential-free (reed) contactors as well as
electronic pulse outputs can be connected to the PDC.
When connecting the PDC module to meters with
electronic pulse output, however, we recommend that
you carry out a compatibility test in case of doubt, as
it can sometimes happen that the compatibility is not
3.1. Connection (retrofitting) of PDC IP68 with
open cable end to meter with existing pulse
Reed contact
brown (GND)
brown (GND)
Connect the pulse output of the meter with the
PDC-cable. Use a cable connector and possibly
observe the correct polarity.
3.2. Connection (retrofitting) PDC IP54 with pulse
output of any meter
Connect pulse output cable from the meter to the
corresponding terminals on the PDC circuit board.
Abb. 3:
Fig. 3: PDC incl.
PDC inkl. EDC-
EDC Pulse mod-
Pulsemodul für
ule for meter
Zählertyp „-M"
type "-M"
Pulse input
Not for push-pull activation!
Only for open collector (NPN) or
Open-Drain (N-channel) control !
Minimum pulse length: 20 ms
Maximum pulse rate = 25 Hz