Flange Nut
Figure 10
Figure 9
NOTE: Makecertain bladesare reassembled with the sharpedge
outward(towardthe chipperchute),Torquehardwareto between20
fblbs and 25 fblbs,
Or Replacing
WARNING:The shredder blade is sharp. Wear leather
work gloves to protect your bands.
1, Stopengine,disconnect spark plug,and makecertain that all
movingparts havecome to a completestop,
2, Removethetwo flange nuts (and hexbolts)which securethe hop-
per supportbracketto the impellerhousing,Retainthe hardware,
See Figure10,
3, Pivotthe shredderscreenupwardas instructedunderthe heading
Cleaning the Reduction Chamber,
4, a, Removesix flangenuts whichsecurehopper inletguideto
impellerhousing,See Figure11,
• Carefullyseparatethe hopperassemblyfrom the impeller
housingand set it aside,
, Inserta pieceof woodinto the chutedeflectoropeningto
stabilizethe impellerand preventit from rotatingwhenremoving
the shredderblade,
b, Removethe two internalhexscrews,hexlock nuts,and lock
washerswhichsecurethe shredderblade to the impeller,See
NOTE:Use a 3/16" hexkey (Allen)wrenchon theoutside of the
shredderbladeand a 1/2" box(or socket)wrenchon the insideof the
shredderblade,HoldtheAllen wrenchstationaryand rotatethe box
(or socket)wrenchto loosenthe nut,
c, Removethe hexbolt, lock washer,and flat washerto completely
freeshredderblade,See Figure11,
Figure 11
IMPORTANT: I f sharpeningthe bladefor reuse,followthe original
angle of grind as a guide,Makecertaineachcuttingedge receivesan
equal amountof grindingto preventan unbalancedblade,Remove
metalfromthe heavysideuntil it is balancedevenly,
IMPORTANT: Whenreassemblingthe blade,tightencenter boltto
between45 fblbs and 60 fblbs and the two out bolts to between20
fblbs and 25 fblbs,
Your Chipper
1, Cleanthe equipmentthoroughly,
2, Wipeequipmentwith an oiled rag to preventrust,
3, Referto enginemanualfor correctenginestorageinstructions
4, Storeunitin a clean, dry area,Do notstore next to corrosive
materialssuch as fertilizer,