lightning symbol. Special care should be taken when measuring quantities within the highest voltage range
to avoid electric shock.
CAUTION! Never allow the measuring range of the meter to be smaller than the measured value. This
can damage the meter and cause electric shock.
The correct connection of the leads is:
The red lead goes in the jack marked "VΩmA" or "10 A".
The black lead goes in the jack marked "COM".
In order to achieve the highest possible measurement accuracy, optimal measurement conditions should be
ensured. The ambient working temperature should be in the range from 18 to 28
C and relative air humidity
Example of accuracy determination
Accuracy: ± (% of indication + weight of the least signifi cant digit)
Measurement of DC voltage: 1.396 V
Accuracy: ±(0.8% + 5)
Calculation of error: 1.396 x 0.8% + 5 x 0.001 = 0.011168 + 0.005 = 0.016168
Measurement result: 1.396 V ± 0.016 V
Voltage measurement
Connect the test leads to the jacks marked "VΩmA" and "COM". Set the range switch to the DC voltage or AC
voltage measurement position. Connect the test leads in parallel to an electrical circuit and read the resultant
voltage. Never measure a voltage which is higher than the maximum measuring range. This can damage the
meter and cause electric shock.
Current measurement
Depending on the expected value of the measured current, connect the test leads to the VΩmA and COM
jacks or to the 10A DC and COM jack. Select the appropriate measuring range using the knob. The maximum
current measured in the VΩmA jack can be 200 mA. If the current measurement is higher than 200 mA,
connect the lead to the 10 ADC jack. The maximum current measured in the 10 A jack can be 10 A and is
not protected by any fuse. Therefore, the measurement time of currents higher than 2 A must not exceed 15
seconds, after which a break of at least 15 minutes must be taken before the next measurement. The VΩmA
jack can be loaded with a maximum current of 200 mA. It is forbidden to exceed the maximum values of
currents and voltages for a given jack. The test leads must be connected in series to the tested electrical
circuit. Select the range and type of measured current by means of a switch and read the measurement
result. Start by selecting the maximum measuring range. The measuring range can be changed in order to
obtain more accurate measurement results.
Resistance measurement
Connect the test leads to the jacks marked "VΩmA" and "COM", set the range switch to the resistance meas-
urement position. Touch the probes to the terminals of the measured element and read the measurement
result. In order to obtain more accurate measurement results, change the measuring range if necessary. It
is absolutely forbidden to measure the resistance of elements through which electric current is fl ow-
ing. For measurements greater than 1 MΩ, the measurement may take a few seconds before the readout
becomes stable, which is the normal response for high resistance measurements.
Before touching the probes to the terminals of the workpiece, an overload symbol is shown on the display.
Diode test
Connect the test leads to the jacks marked "VΩmA" and "COM" and set the selector to the diode symbol.
The probes are now touched to the diode terminals: once in the forward and then in the reverse direction.
If the diode is working, it will show a voltage drop in its forward direction expressed in mV. If connected in
the reverse direction, the display will show the overload symbol. Working diodes are characterized by a low
resistance in the forward direction and a high resistance in the reverse direction. It is absolutely forbidden
to test diodes through which electric current is fl owing.
Conduction test
Connect the test leads to the jacks marked "VΩmA" and "COM". Set the selector to the buzzer symbol. If the