Rolling screen installation and operation manual
WARNING: It 's absolutely forbidden to install the screen on mobile walls or unstable cables,the brackets must be applied on surfaces that ensure in the time your distance. When
installing the screen use plugs and screws suitable for the screen's weight and for the type of wall or ceiling on which the mount brackets are to be fixed, based on the following criteria
Screen width up to cm
Overall weight
Made by Adeo Screen Sp. Z o.o. (Poland) Specifications are subject to change without notice. E&OE
Please verify that you are working with the latest revision of this document before specifying your screen.
Doc: Manual CLCTS-CLCLT rev2 | 01.01.2018
Insert screw 4 with thread turned upwards into plate 1 and screw on nut 3 loosely, leaving a 4-5 mm play; hook plate 1 to the case and insert plastic pin 2 into
the slot of the small bracket. Please note that, for assembly purpose, the plate can be mounted either way since the hookable sections of the case are perfectly
symmetrical. Secure bracket 5 to the wall with adequate wall type expansion plugs (min. Ø 8 mm) and secure plate 1 to bracket 5 using washer 7 and bolt 3.
secure ceiling brackets 6 (provided) with adequate wall expansion plugs (min. Ø 8 mm), at approx. 10 - 15 cm from the ends of the case. For screens wider
than 350 cm, the third bracket must be positioned in the middle of the case. Insert screw 4 with thread turned upwards into plate 1 and screw on nut 3
loosely, leaving a 4.5 mm play; hook plate 1 to the case and insert plastic pin 2 into the slot of the small bracket. Secure plate 1 to bracket 6 using washer 7
and bolt 3.
Direct ceiling installation with mount plates:
For closer adherence of the case to the ceiling it is possible to fix mount plates 1 directly to the ceiling (N.B.: for quick and easy performance of this operation,
excellent ceiling flatness and perfect alignment of the plates are required). Secure the plates with expansion plugs suitable for the type of ceiling (min. Ø 8
mm), at approx. 10 - 15 cm from the ends of the case. For this type of installation, as a rule, the side of the plate in which the pin is to be slotted should be
turned towards the front of the case, to facilitate the insertion of the pin. Carefully check the alignment and horizontality of the plates. Metal washers of the
type included in the packaging may be used for the purpose as necessary. Note that an accurate performance of this operation will ensure ease and speed
when subsequently hooking the case to the plates. For screens wider than 350 cm the third palte must be positioned in the middle of the case. Hook the case
to the plates with a semicircular movement (until it clicks into position); secure the case to the plates by inserting the plastic pins
1)secure brackets with adequate expansion plugs (min. Ø 8 mm); ceiling or wall mount are possible; check they are level;
2) fasten screen to brackets as the left pictures
Kg 20
Kg 25
Kg 30
Kg 35
Kg 45
Kg 50
Kg 100
Kg 150
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