Positioning the Pressure Cuff
When wrapping around left arm
• Position the tube outlet
so that it is on the palm
side of the arm in line
with the little finger of
. the hand.
Velcro fastener
1. Insert the plug into the socket.
• Insert the pressure cuff plug all the way
2. Wrap the cuff around upper arm.
• Remove your shirt or roll up your sleeve
so that the cuff will be on your bare skin.
• If rolling up your sleeve causes con¬
striction on your arm, remove your shirt
for measurements.
The blood pressure monitor can be
used by wrapping the cuff on either
upper arm. However, since it has
been said that the difference in blood
pressure between the left and right
arms may be around lOmmHg, be
sure to always use the same arm for
When wrapping around right arm
Approximately 2 to 3cm
(25/32" to 1-3/16") from
inside of elbow
Fasten so that there is no gap between
the cuff and the arm, but be careful that
the cuff is not too tight.
Be careful not to catch your clothes
when wrapping the cuff. (Doing so may
lead to lower accuracy.)
Press the tape fastener down well.