Q & A
Why are the blood pressure values measured at home different
from those measured at the doctor's office?
Blood pressure varies 24 hours a day.
In addition, it can change greatly depending on the weather, your mental
state, exercise, etc.
In particular, there is the phenomenon of "White coat hypertension" at
doctor's offices, where the blood pressure measured in a doctor's office
is higher because of stress or worry.
In addition, if the blood pressure measured at home is sometimes
higher and sometimes lower than the blood pressure measured at the
doctor's office, the following can be considered. Please pay attention to
these points when taking measurements.
Is the pressure cuff wrapped firmly?
• Make sure that the pressure cuff is not
wrapped too loosely or too tightly.
• Is the pressure cuff wrapped around the upper
arm? Make sure it is not partly covering the
elbow. For how to wrap the pressure cuff
correctly, refer to p. 12.
Were you worries or upset during measure¬
Before taking measurements, take 2 or 3 deep
breaths and relax to stabilize blood pressure.
In addition, it is recommended that you sit
quietly for about 4 to 5 minutes before taking