Blade Care
WARNING: When removing the
cutting blade for sharpening or
replacement, protect your hands
with a pair of heavy gloves or use
a heavy rag to hold the blade.
Periodicallyinspect t he blade adapterfor cracks,
especiallyif you strikea foreignobject.Replacewhen
necessary.Followthe stepsbelowfor bladeservice.
1. Disconnectsparkplug wirefrom spark plug.Turn
moweron itssidemaking surethat theair filter and
the carburetorare up.
2. Removethe boltand the blade bell supportwhich
hold the bladeand the blade adapterto the engine
crankshaft.See Figure5.
3. Removebladeand adapterfrom the crankshaft.
4. The bladecan be sharpenedwith a file or on a
grindingwheel.Do notattemptto sharpenthe blade
whileit isstill on the mower.
5. Whensharpeningthe blade,followthe originalangle
of grind.Grindeach cuttingedgeequallyto keepthe
blade balanced.
6. Removebladefrom the adapterfor testingbalance.
7. Balancethe bladeon a roundshaft screwdriver to
check. Removemetal fromthe heavy sideuntil it
ARNING: An unbalanced blade
will cause excessive vibration
when rotating at high speeds.
it may cause damage to mower,
and could break causing per-
sonal injury.
8. Lubricatethe enginecrankshaftand the innersurface
of the bladeadapterwith lightoil. Slide the blade
adapterontothe enginecrankshaft.
9. Placethe bladeon theadaptersuchthat the side
of the blade marked"Bottom"(or with part number)
facesgroundwhenthe mowerisin theoperating
position.Makesurethat the bladeisalignedand
seatedon bladeadapterflanges.
10.Placeblade bell supporton the blade.Align notches
on the blade bell supportwith small holesin blade.
11.Replacehexbolt and tightenhex boltto torque:450
in.Ibs.rain.,600 in.Ibs. max.
Toensuresafeoperationof your mower,periodically
checkthe bladebolt for correcttorque.
The followingstepsshouldbe taken to prepareyourlawn
mowerfor storage.
1. Cleanand lubricatemowerthoroughlyas describedin
the lubricationinstructions.
2. We do not recommendthe useof a pressurewasher
or gardenhoseto cleanyour unit.
3. Referto enginemanualfor correctengine
4. Coatmower'scuttingbladewith chassisgreaseto
5. Storemowerin a dry,clean area.Do notstore next to
corrosivematerials,such as fertilizer.
Whenstoringany type of powerequipmentina poorly
ventilatedor metalstorageshed,care shouldbe takento
rust-proofthe equipment.Usinga lightoil or silicone,coat
the equipment,especiallycablesand all movingparts of
your lawnmowerbeforestorage.
JBlade Adapter
Hex Bolt
Blade Bell
Figure 5
M oWe r
When removing
the cutting blade
for sharpening or
replacement, protect
your hands with a
pair of heavy gloves
or use a heavy rag to
hold the blade.
An unbalanced blade
will cause excessive
vibration when rotat-
ing at high speeds, it
may cause damage
to mower, and could
break causing per-
sonal injury.