Drive Cable
Speed Control Box
Speed Control Cable
Figure 4
Figure 5
NOTE:Operationof thissnowthroweron gravelisnot recommended a s
loosegravelcanbe easilypickedup and thrownbytheaugercausing
personalinjuryor damageto thesnowthrower.If you havetooperateit
on gravel,keepskidshoe in highestpositionfor maximum clearance.
1. Adjustskidshoesbyloosening two nutsandcarriage boltson each
skidshoe,andmoving skidshoetothedesiredposition. S eeFigure5.
2. Makecertainthe entirebottomsurfaceof skid shoe is againstthe
groundto avoidunevenwearon theskid shoes.
3. Tightennuts and bolts securely.
Clean-Out Tool
Thistoolhasbeenfastened witha cabletietotherearoftheaugerhousing
forshipping purposes. Cutandremove cabletieasinstructed onpage3.
Final Adjustments
IMPORTANT:Checkthe adjustmentsas instructedand makeany
final adjustmentsnecessarybeforeoperatingthe unit. Checkall nuts
and boltsfor tightness.Failureto followthese instructionsmaycause
damageto unit.
The properinflationpressureis 20 psi. Checkthe tire pressureperiodi-
cally and maintainequalpressurein both tires at all times. Excessive
pressure(wellabove20 psi) maycause the wheel(tire/rim)assembly
to burstwith sufficientforce to cause seriousinjury.Donot over-inflate
the tire. Use a manualpumpor portableelectrictire inflatorto prevent
WARNING:Over-inflating the tire with excessivepres-
sure (well above20 psi) may causethe tire/rim to burst
with sufficient force to cause serious pressure.
Auger Control Test
IMPORTANT: P erformthe followingtestbeforeoperatingthe snow
throwerfor the firsttime and at the start of eachwinterseason.
Checkthe adjustmentof theauger controlas follows:
1. Whenaugercontrol is releasedand in thedisengaged"up"posi-
tion, cableshouldhavevery little slack,but shouldNOT
be tight.
WARNING: Do not over-tighten the cable. Over-tight-
ening may preventthe auger from disengaging and compromise
the safety of the snow thrower.
2. Ina well-ventilated area,startthe snow throwerengineas in-
structedon page 10 underthe headingStartingEngine.Makesure
the throttleis set in the FASTposition.
3. Whilestandingin operator'sposition (behindunit)engageauger.
4. Allowauger to remainengagedfor approximately ten (10)seconds
beforereleasingthe augercontrol.Repeat this severaltimes.
5. With the enginerunningin the FASTpositionand the augercontrol
in the disengaged"up"position,walk to the front of the machine.
6. Confirmthat theauger hascompletelystoppedrotatingand shows
NOsigns of motion.
IMPORTANT: If theaugershowsANYsignsof rotating,immediately r eturn
to theoperator's p ositionandshutofftheengine.Waitforall moving parts
to stopbeforereadjusting theaugercontrolcableasshownon page13.