sweat dried.
• After you do some exercise, eating
and bathing, you should stay still
indoor about 30 minutes before
• To make the measurement data
reliable and stable, when ambient
temperature varies a lot, the ther-
mometer should be placed indoors
for about 30 minutes before using.
• When we measure somebody con-
tinuously, the temperature should
be measured every minute, if you
need to measure yourself conti-
nuously for a short time, there are
some slight errors when you read
the temperature, which is a nor-
mal phenomenon. At this time, we
should choose the average. We re-
commend that you measure your-
self continuously maximum of three
in a unit of time, and because the
temperature of the human will con-
duct to the thermometer, it may af-
fect the accuracy of measurement.
• There is no absolute standard about
the temperature of the human, so
please try to collect the recording of
individual temperature in the usual,
as a reference for having a fever or
• Do not measure the sites of scar-
red tissue or tissue compromised
by skin disorders, because sen-
sing body temperature from sites of
scarred tissue or tissue compromi-
sed by skin disorders.
• Do not measure the site of forehead
temperature if that patients has