9.1.f - Replacing the squeegee
rubber blades (Fig. 17)
When it becomes clear that drying the floor
is difficult or traces of water remain on the
floor, it is necessary to check the wear on the
squeegee rubber blades (47):
Remove the squeegee unit (11) as in-
dicated in the "Cleaning the squeegee"
Press the locking device (48) and open
the handle (49).
Remove the two rubber mounting strips
(50) and remove the outer rubber (51).
Loosen the two turnbuckles (52) and re-
move the locking bar (53) and the inside
rubber (54).
When the rubber blades (51) or (54) are worn
on one side, on one occasion they may be
turned over.
Replace or turn over the rubber blades
(51) or (54) without inverting them.
Replace all the components in reverse
It is possible to have two types of rubber
Para rubber blades for all types of floor and
polyurethane rubber blades for mechanical
workshop floors which are dirty with oil.
9.1.g - Cleaning the recovery water
tank (Fig. 18)
Remove the upper cover to access inside the
recovery water tank.
Loosen the knob (55) and remove the fil-
ter (56).
Wash the filter (56) with running water
and replace it in the machine, tightening
the knob (55).
FRECCIA30 E 45_27lingue_2ed_09-2013.indd 10
9.1.h - Replacing the fuses
(Figg. 8-19)
Replace the blown fuse with one with the
same amperage.
Remove the plug (16 Fig. 8) from the
socket (43 Fig. 8).
Remove the cover (57 Fig. 19) unscrew-
ing the screws (58 Fig. 19) to access the
Unscrew the screws (59 Fig. 19) and re-
move the cover (60 Fig. 19).
Fuse (61) - 6,3 A
Motor brush protection.
Fuse (62) - 6,3 A
Suction turbine protection.
Fuse (63) - 1 A
Fuse (64) - 160 mA faulty
Protection card.
Refit the cover (60 Fig. 19) and the cover
(57 Fig. 19).
9.1.i - Wiper adjustment (Fig. 20)
It is possible to adjust the height of the
wiper and adjust the incidence of the
blades on the floor.
Height adjustment
Lower the wiper, using the lever.
Turn the yellow knob (65), turning it
clockwise lowers the wiper, vice versa it
is raised.
Incidence adjustment
Lower the wiper, using the lever.
Start the aspirator and proceed for a few
metres, then turn off the aspirator and
stop the machine.
Check the incidence of the rubber (47)
Fig. A = too low
Fig. B = too high
Fig. C = correct position
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