Tracing Wire - After the Pro290 transmitter has been properly connected and verified to
have a good ground and power, insert the receiver antenna into the female jack on the
bottom of the yellow receiver box. Turn the Pro290 receiver on by turning the volume knob
located on the side of the yellow receiver. Place the receiver near the operating Pro290
transmitter. With the antenna near the transmitter and the transmitter on, a beeping sound
should be heard indicating that the receiver is working properly.
A high-pitched tone could indicate that you are too close to the receiver, or your batteries
are low. A fading signal indicates low battery. The volume control on the side of the
receiver regulates the loudness of the receiver. After connecting and turning on the
transmitter, and turning on the receiver, point the receiver toward the ground and listen for
the beeping signal. The closer you are to the cable, the louder the signal.
The Pro290 receiver uses a NULL signal tracing method. That means that when the
antenna on the receiver is pointed directly at the cable, you will hear virtually nothing.
However, by moving the antenna a few inches to the left or right, a signal can be heard.
This is called NULL, and it points directly to the path of the wire.