it is possible to change braking force by changing the number of wraps (more
wraps more braking force). This force depends on several things:
• braiding type of the rope
• rope diameter
• rope wear
• rope manutention (dirt, umidity, storage etc.)
Due to different variables it is difficult to give sharp datas on breaking forces. As
an example the following datas was mesured with a Yale Double Esterlon 12 mm
(1/2") brand new rope:
¾ wrap: kg 80
2 ¾ wraps: kg 400
3 ¾ wraps: kg 800 (See Fig. 10)
When lowering the opera-
tor must always keep clear
from lowering zone. Always
wear PPE.
User must always control rope with both
hands. Rope must always be coiled and
stored in a bag to avoid knots and tangles. Never stay in the direction of the rope.
Never twist the rope around hands, arms or any part of the body.
During rigging operations dynamic loads can accour. It is imperative to reduce
dynamic loads. Too many wraps or sudden stops during lowering can shock load
the entire system (lowering device, rope, block, sling, rigging point) and lead to
potential dangers. For example 100 kg x 1 mt free fall genrates 600 kg impact
force! Never stop the work suddenly. Always let the load run and break it slowly
to reduce kinetic force.
Fig 10