Materials that consist of ferromagnetic or contain larger amounts of them show strongly
negative values or an unmeasurable negative deflection, as the magnet is completely attracted
by the material and thus completely lifted out of the cone of the scale. It is therefore
recommended to test with the enclosed mini magnet prior to the measurement whether a
material is strongly ferromagnetic and attracted by the mini magnet. To avoid injury and damage
measuring head, ferromagnetic materials must
Conditions for optimum measurement results:
Warm-up time of the scale: Switch on the scale 5-10 minutes before the first
measurements to ensure precise operation. This allows for temperature adjustment of
the fine mechanics and ensures the best results.
Operating temperature: The magnetic scale has proven itself at temperatures between
15 °C and 30 °C, but works best at room temperature (20 to 25 °C). Avoid extreme
temperatures and temperature changes, as the magnetic effect is temperature-
dependent. If the magnet is heated above 80 °C, any magnetic effect will be permanently
Test object: Make sure that the test object is dry and clean. The test object can also be
measured through commercially available plastic films, blisters, and capsules. However,
please note that the plastic material usually has a diamagnetic effect and therefore
displays a slightly positive value on the magnetic scale. This means that a plastic layer
that is too thick can falsify the result. However, there should be no interfering deviations
with commercially available packaging.
Ferromagnetic materials: Ferromagnetic materials (iron, nickel or cobalt) must not come
into close proximity to the very strong measuring magnet. Always test the object with the
supplied mini magnet prior to the measurement. To avoid injury and damage to the
MagneticScreenScale. Make sure that there are no ferromagnetic materials as well as
electrical and electronic devices within 30 cm of the MagneticScreenScale. Do not place
the test objects on the scale with the hand on which you are wearing your wristwatch.
Electrostatic charging of the plastic parts: Avoid electrostatic charging of the Plexiglas
cover or plastic blisters and capsules for coins and bars. Plastic polymers can become
electrostatically charged and lead to inaccurate measurement results due to interactions
with the magnetic field. Make sure that you do not work with plastic materials such as
rubber gloves and use the supplied anti-static-spray to eliminate electrostatic charges.
We recommend spraying the surface of the Plexiglas cover and wiping it with a paper
towel before each measurement. Please follow the application and safety instructions on
the anti-static spray.
not be
placed on