Wind speed:
Measurement units
knots (Nautical Miles per hour)
mph (Miles per hour)
km/h (Kilometers per hour)
m/s (Meters per second)
Measurement units
°C (Degrees Celsius)
°F (Degrees Fahrenheit)
AVG/MAX Button
- Press to select among average (AVG), maximum (MAX) or current data of wind speed
or temperature.
MODE Button
- Press to select between wind speed or temperature measurement.
Assembling the wind speed meter
Fit and secure the three wind cups on the rotating
unit as shown. Make sure all of them are installed
in the same direction.
Battery installation
The wind speed meter requires 3 AAA size
1. Unscrew the battery cover on the back of the
device with a screwdriver.
2. Install the batteries according to the polarity indi-
3. Replace the battery cover and tighten the screw.
0.5 ~ 35 Knots
0.6 ~ 40.3 mph
1.0 ~ 64.8 km/h
0.3 ~ 18 m/s
-15 ~ 50 °C
5 ~ 122 °F