Auscultatory Mode
Only trained healthcare professionals may perform this manual blood
pressure measurement.
This manual method involves applying a stethoscope to patient's arm
and listening to the pulse while the air is slowly let out again.
The systolic pressure is the maximum pressure in an artery at the
2. After the first measurement is
completed, the monitor will start
counting down before the second
measurement begins. The number on
the right represents the remaining
countdown between each measurement.
The monitor will take three (3)
measurements consecutively with
intervals of 20 seconds.
3. After taking three measurements, the
results are averaged to produce the
blood pressure measurement. Press
to turn off the monitor.
*Voice: Your systolic blood pressure is
(number) millimeters of mercury. Your
diastolic blood pressure is (number)
millimeters of mercury. Your heart rate
is (number) beats per minute.