Care and Cleaning
□ Do not use any cleaners with chemicals, solvents, or harsh abrasives. Use only a dry, soft cloth to dust or wipe carefully.
□ To clean the fixture, disconnect the power by turning off the circuit breaker or by removing the fuse at the fuse box, and use a dry or
slightly dampened, clean cloth to wipe the exterior surface of the fixture.
□ Periodically inspect wire and sockets for degradation due to weather, UV light or other damage.
□ Check bulbs regularly for loose, broken, or unlit bulbs.
□ To re-lamp the light string (gaining access to the LED element inside), unscrew existing lamps by lightly holding the socket in
one hand and twisting the 'bulb' counterclockwise. Bulbs may be tight in the sockets. This is normal to prevent moisture from
getting into the socket.
Please contact 1-877-592-5233 for further assistance.