Before inserting the Deflector Shaft with Blade into the working channel of a
FHD endoscope, perform a functional test of the bending mechanism by
using the deflection adjusting lever and rotational mechanism by turning on the
Shaver Handpiece.
A visual and functional inspection must be carried out prior
to every use! Potentially visible contamination and mecha-
nical defects shall be detected to avoid the use of a defective
or soiled device.
After the functional testing, return the deflection adjusting lever into straight
position (0°) and then introduce the Deflector Shaft with Blade into the working
channel of a joimax
endoscopic image (see figure 7 + 7.1).
Do not introduce the Deflector Shaft with Deflector Blade with an-
gulated tip into the working channel of the endoscope. It could cause
damages on Deflector Shaft and/or endoscope.
7 + 7.1 Insert the Deflector Shaft with Blade into the working channel of
FHD endoscope. The reference mark at the Deflector Shaft tip which
becomes visible in the endoscopic image indicates, that the bending direction of
the tip is opposite to the reference mark.
Before bending the tip, be aware of the following:
1. The bending direction of the Deflector Shaft should be
away from the endoscope optics. There is a reference mark
(figure 7.1) at one side of the tip of the Deflector Shaft. The
reference mark indicates that the tip of the Deflector Shaft
bends to the opposite direction, which means, when watching
at the reference mark, away from the endoscope optics. This
reference mark on the Deflector Shaft is visible within endos-
copic image on the monitor. As soon as the proximal end of the
laser reference mark on the endoscopic image on the monitor
appears, this indicates that the Deflector Shaft tip hinge is out-
side of the working channel of the endoscope (see figure 7.1)
2. Only bend the Deflector Shaft tip when the tip hinge is outside
of the working channel of the endoscope.
FHD endoscope and observe the monitor displaying the
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