Through this menu, specific parameters of the installation's operation
6. Application
can be adjusted, allowing the following configuration options:
A) Enable/disable pump 1
B) Enable/disable pump 2
C) Type of operational alternance
D) Pump activation type
E) Activation through irrigation programmer signal
F) Mode of operation of 5 level buoys
G) Silence acoustic alarm
H) Calibration of level buoys
It allows the timed and adjustable activation of pump 1 and, only if you
7. Manual mode
have the two-pump device, of pump 2 and/or both pumps at the same
time. In this mode the dry operation of the pumps is not monitored.
Through this menu, specific protections can be enabled for the
8. Pumps / Panel
pumps themselves and also for the installation, allowing the following
configuration options:
A) Dry running detection
Pump 1 operation can be deactivated.
(Option available only for two pumps device)
Pump 2 operation can be deactivated.
(Option available only for two pumps device)
In systems where both pumps are enabled and running, you can
choose the way in which the pumps alternate their operation, and
you can choose an alternation by start (default operation), every so
often or disable the alternation, so that the pump 1 will always work
(Option available only for two pumps device)
Only one pump can be activated when receiving the start signal
(default operation) or both pumps can be activated at the same time
when receiving a single activation signal.
Receiving a low voltage signal from an irrigation controller will
activate the pump.
The 5-buoy mode of operation adds an additional stop buoy.
The acoustic alarm can be deactivated if any error is detected in the
pumps or device.
The high and low detection sensitivity of the level switches can be
adjusted using this option.
The automatic protection of the device against dry running of the
pumps can be adjusted or disabled, individually for each pump, as
well as the automatic reset time in case of detection. This detection