If the FTCI input has been jumped the FTCI security device test must also be
deactivated (Dip 7 "OFF". If you want to activate the FTCI test both the transmis-
sion and receiver parts of the security devices must be connected to the binding
post marked "CTRL 30 Vdc". If the test is active there will be a 1 second delay
between the command transmission and movement of the gate/door.
Switch on the power and make sure that the indicator LEDS are in the following
condition (note: If the display is off you can press the PROG key to show the
status of the safety devices.
- L Power on LED
- L2 Wrong battery connection LED
- L3 Transmitter code programming indicator LED
- L4 Battery charging LED
- L5 Indicator LED for the blocking button "Tb"
- L6 Indicator LED for the inverting photoelectric cells "FTCI"
- L7 Indicator LED for the contact safety edge "CSP"
- L8 Indicator LED for the opening button "TA"
- L9 Indicator LED for the opening button "TC"
- L0 Indicator LED for the limited opening button "TAL"
- L Indicator LED for the dynamic button "TD/CH"
: If this LED is "on" invert the battery power cables immediately.
: This LED is "on" when the battery is charged.
: Check that the activation of the safety devices switches the correspond-
ing LEDS off.
If the green power on LED doesn't light up check the condition of the fuses
and the power cable connection at the transformer primary.
If one or more of the safety LEDS do not light up check the contacts of the
relative security devices and check that the unused safety device contacts have
been bridged.
Start up display
Shown for 2 seconds:
"860" = programmer model;
" _40" = firmware version
Indicates the dip-switch setting
memorisation stage
Alarm indications
System not programmed
You have to enter the programming mode to program the system
Out of position
When carrying out an installation you will have to enter programming in order to
program the gate travel distances. During normal operation it indicates that the
"automatic repositioning" procedure is about to take place (see page 17). In
this case any commands received (TA, TC, TAL or TD) will automatically start
this procedure.
Caution! The gate moves automatically without waiting for a com-
block during encoder programming
This happens when an N.C. contact is activated (Tb, FTCI, CSP) during encoder
programming or automatic repositioning. Once the passive state of the security
devices has been reset the gate/door will start moving again automatically.
Safety test error
Check the condition of the safety devices and make sure that the alarm cuts in
when an obstacle interferes with the beam (the relative LED will switch off). In
case of anomalies replace the damaged safety device or bridge the contact and
disactivate the safety test (dip 7).
Motor feed error
This occurs when the programmer sends a command to the motor and nothing
happens (the motor doesn't move). Check the motor faston connections and the
condition of the fuses "F" and "F3" and then give another opening or closing
command. If the motor still doesn't move you are faced with either a mechanical
problem or a problem with the programmer.
A command was received with the motor released
This error normally appears when you have given a command and the motor
is released. If it occurs during normal motor operation it means that there is a
problem with one or more encoder signals. Check the relative connections and
carry out automatic repositioning (pag. 17).
Encoder auxiliary signal error
If this occurs at the end of the programming procedure, it means that the encoder
card is only supplying two signals (defective card or previous version with 4 wires
see fig. 10). If it occurs during normal operation it means there is a problem with
the auxiliary signal. Check the connections
Encoder direction error
The gate movement direction is different from the encoder setting (eg. the gate
moves in the closing direction while the program is carrying out the opening stage).
Check the motor power supply connections and the setting of dip 8.
Current sensor error
When the gate is not moving this symbol means there is a problem with the
current sensor.
Motor error
These symbols mean there is a problem with the motor control relays
Operational indications
Opening stage
Pause for automatic reclosing (if activated)
Closing stage
Current sensor updating (only during programming)
Test mode
battery mode with a fully charged battery
battery mode with an undercharged battery
block caused by a completely discharged battery
Pause time programming
Automatic programming under way
Serial line (CSER) active