Installing the water line.
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
Connect the Tubing to the Refrigerator
Before making the connection to the
be sure the refrigerator power
cord is not plugged into the waft outlet.
We recommend
installing a water filter if your water
supply has sand or particles that could clog the
screen of tt_e refrigerator's
wamr valve. Install it in
the water line near the refrigerator.
screws and R)ld back access cover.
the plastic flexible cap from the water
Place the compression
nut and fen'ule (sleeve)
onto the end of the robing as shown.
the end of t|_e copper robing into the
water valve connection
as fhr as p_%ible. While
holding the robing, tighten the fitting.
the copper robing into the clmnp
provided to hold it in a _)ertical posidon.
You may need to pl)7open tl_e clmnp.
1/4" C(_Tubing
Compression N ut
Refrigerator Connection
Turn the Water On at the Shutoff Valve
V-/_Tighten any connections
that leak.
the access cover and screws.
Plug In the Refrigerator
An'ange the coil of copper robing so that it does not
vibrate against the back of tt_e refrigerator
or against
the wall.
Push the refrigerator
back to the wall.
Start the Icemaker
Set the icemaker feeler arm to the ON (down)
position. The icemaker will not begin to operate
until it reaches its operating temperature
of 15 °F
(-9°C) or below. It will then be_n operation
automatically if the icemaker feeler arm is in the
ON (do_,_l) position.
NOTE:Theicemakermay double-cycle whenit first starts,
causingsome waterspillagefrom the icemakerinto the
ice bucket,Thisis normalandshouldnot happenagain,