4. First Connection to the Data Logger
4. First Connection to the Data Logger
4.1. First Connection to the Data Logger
Connection to the data logger is achieved either using a functioning modem or a null modem cable.
The connection type to be used is chosen under 'Connection'.
All available com ports are automatically added to the list of available com ports, and the direct
connection is automatically established.
Configuration of the data logger must be done after successful connection.
Available COM ports can be found in the device manager of the operating system (please refer
to the user guide of the operating system).
If a connection is made via a dial up modem, ComLynx Monitor automatically opens the 'Modem
Configuration' tab page. Instructions for use and configuration of the modem connection can be
found in the user manual.
4.2. Networkscan
On the first use or after having made changes to the PV plant a one off 'identification' of the
inverters (max. 20 inverters) is required. The network search for inverters is done automatically
on first start-up or upon creation of a new plant project.