These instructions are part of the Technical Documentation of the system as per
These instructions correspond to "Directive 2006/42/EG of the European Parliament and of
the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to machinery"
(Machinery Directive), Appendix I, Item 1.7.4.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for damage to persons, animals, or property or to the
system itself caused by improper use, non-observance, or insufficient observance of the
safety criteria contained in these instructions, by a modification of the system, or by the use
These instructions may not be copied or disclosed to third parties without written permission.
This also applies if only excerpts of the instructions are copied or disclosed. The same condi-
tions apply for the disclosure of these instructions in digital form.
the EC Machinery Directive.
of inappropriate spare parts.
The copyright is reserved exclusively by
König & Meyer GmbH & Co. KG
Kiesweg 2
97877 Wertheim
or by its legal successor.
Last updated: February – 2019