49. The handling of suspended loads by means of a crane arm (boom) or other device can introduce dynamic forc-
es affecting the stability of a rough terrain forklift truck. Grades and sudden starts, stops, and turns can cause
the load to swing and create a hazard if not externally stabilized. When handling suspended loads:
a. do not exceed the truck manufacturer's capacity of the rough terrain forklift truck as equipped for handling
suspended loads;
b. only lift the load vertically and never drag it horizontally;
c. transport the load with the bottom of the load and the mast as low as possible;
d. with load elevated, maneuver the rough terrain forklift truck slowly and cautiously, and only to the extent
necessary to permit lowering to the transport position;
e. use tag lines to restrain load swing whenever possible.
50. At the beginning of each shift and before operating the rough terrain forklift truck, check its condition, giving
special attention to:
a. tires and their inflation pressure;
b. warning devices;
c. lights;
d. lift and tilt systems, load-engaging means and chains;
e. brakes;
steering mechanism;
g. fuel system(s).
51. If the rough terrain forklift truck is found to be in need of repair or in any way unsafe, or if it contributes to an
unsafe condition, the matter shall be reported immediately to the user's designated authority, and the truck shall
not be operated until it has been restored to safe operating condition.
52. If during operation the rough terrain forklift truck becomes unsafe in any way, the matter shall be reported imme-
diately to the user's designated authority, and the truck shall not be operated until it has been restored to safe
operating condition.
53. Do not make repairs or adjustments unless specifically authorized to do so.
54. When refueling, smoking in the area shall not be permitted, the engine shall be stopped, and the operator shall
not be on the rough terrain forklift truck.
55. Spillage of oil or fuel shall be carefully and completely absorbed or evaporated and fuel tank cap replaced be-
fore restarting engine.
56. Do not use open flames when checking electrolyte level in storage batteries, liquid level in fuel tanks, or the
condition of LPG fuel lines and connectors.
Bright Forklift
General Safety Standards