D r i n k c o o l e r s
5º.-Gently pull out the tank (D) throwing (1) of
him up (Fig.8).
6º.-Remove the rubber seal (J) from the tank
throwing (2) up (Fig.8).
7º.-To take the tap out of its lodging, please
proceed as follows (see Fig.9):
Push backward (1º) the tap lever (LG) with
an hand and with the other one (2º) pull
forward the body of the faucet (GM) through
the sliders (G). The snug of the gum
dispenser (TG) will leave its lodging.
- 12_EN-
U s e r ' s i n s t r u c t i o n s a n d m a i n t e n a n c e m a n u a l
Figure 8
Figure 9
SL310008810 Ed.00 - 11-2012