Craftsman 247.288870 Manual Del Usuario página 16

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Amulchkit isavailableasanattachment. M ulchingisa process o f redrculating
grassclippings repeatedly beneath the cuttingdeck.Theultra-fineclippings are
thenforcedbackintothe lawnwherethey actasanaturalfertilizer.
Amulchkit canbepurchased. See the Replacement Parts &Attachments sectionof
thismanual f ormoreinformation.
Using the Deck Lift Lever
Toraise the cuttingdeck,movethe decklift leverto the left,then placeit inthe
notchbestsuitedfor yourapplication. R efer t o SettingTheCuttingHeightearlierin
thisOperation section.
Tohelpavoid bladecontact or a thrown object injury,keepbystanders,
[ helpers, c hildren and pets at least75feet from the machinewhile it isin
[operation. Stopmachineif anyoneentersthe area.
Thefollowinginformationwill behelpfulwhen usingthe cuttingdeckwith your
Planyour mowing pattern to avoid dischargeof materialstoward roads,
sidewalks,bystandersandthe like.Also,avoid dischargingmaterialagainst
awall or obstruction which maycausedischargedmaterial to ricochet b ack
toward the operator.
ThelampsareON whenever the tractor'sengineisrunning.
Thelampsturn OFF whenthe ignitionkeyis moved to the STOP p osition.
Donot mowat highgroundspeed, e specially if amulchkit orgrasscollector
Forbestresultsit isrecommended t hat the first two lapsbecutwith the
discharge t hrown towards the center. A fterthe first two laps,reverse the
directionto throwthe discharge to the outside forthe balance ofcutting.
Thiswill givea betterappearance t o the lawn.
Donot cutthe grass too short.Shortgrass invites weedgrowthandyellows
quicklyindry weather.
Mowingshouldalwaysbedonewith the engineat full throttle.
Under heavier c onditionsit maybe necessary to go backoverthe cut areaa
second time to get acleancut.
DoNOT attemptto mowheavybrushandweeds andextremely tallgrass.
Your t ractorisdesigned to mowlawns,NOT clearbrush.
Keep the blades sharpandreplace the bladeswhenworn.Referto Cutting
Blades inthe Service sectionof thismanual f or properbladesharpening


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