3. Download the free "beurer SleepQuiet" app from the Apple App Store (iOS)
or at Google Play (Android).
Depending on the settings for your smartphone, addi-
tional charges may be incurred for connecting to the
Internet or transferring data.
4. Start the "beurer SleepQuiet" app and follow the instructions.
5.2 Attaching the snore stopper
You can attach the snore stopper to the left or right ear.
Here, it is important to turn the earplug [5] so that the opening is facing the
direction of the ear canal once attached.
• Attach the snore stopper to your ear as shown. Do not bend the upper clip
on the snore stopper too strongly as it may become damaged.
If the earplug easily moves in your ear, try one of the other earplugs included
in delivery for optimum fi t.
For individual adjustment there is the option of carefully shortening the small
hook on the device using a pair of scissors. When doing so, it is
important to only cut off a small amount at a time and to repeat
this, if necessary, until you have made the hook the right size.
Check whether it is a good fi t after each cut. To make it comfort-
able to wear, please ensure that the cuts are even and round off
able to wear, please ensure that the cuts are even and round off
the corners.
Please ensure that the hook is securely connected to the device
and note that it cannot be replaced.
5.3 Use
1. Press and hold the ON/OFF button on the snore stopper for three seconds.
The operation light begins to light up. The snore stopper is now switched