Connecting the Charger to a Battery Pack
on the eBike
You can charge your Battery Pack (7) when mounted on the eBike.
First, set the Drivepack (11) in the charging position on your eBike (see
Assembly Instructions of Drivepack).
Then connect the charge connector (5) of the Charger (1) into the
charge plug (9) of your Battery Pack (7) mounted in the eBike
(Action C).
Charging Process
The charge will start as soon as the charge connector (5) of your Charger (1)
is plugged into the charge socket (9) of your Battery Pack (7).
The charging state is shown via charge-control indicator (8) on the Battery
Pack (7). The LEDs of the charge-control indicator (8) will light up according
Manufacturer's Warranty
to the actual state-of-charge. Each LED indicates 20% of the capacity, being
fully charged when the 5 LEDs light up.
Once the Battery Pack (7) is fully charged, the LEDs at the charge-control
indicator (8) turn off. The charging status can now be checked by briefly
pressing the on/off button (10) on your Battery Pack (7).
When the charging process is finished, disconnect then the Charger (1) from
the mains, and the Battery Pack (7) from the Charger (1).