one pedal.
26. To apply the brakes, push one of the two levers located at
the centre of the rear wheels in a downward direction, as shown
in diagram 26.
27. To unlock the braking system, push one of the two levers
located at the centre of the rear wheels in an upward direction,
as shown in diagram 27.
WARNING: Always apply the brakes whenever the stroller is
WARNING: Never leave the stroller on a sloped surface, with a
child onboard, even with the brakes applied.
WARNING: After operating the brake lever, ensure that the brakes
have been correctly applied to both of the rear wheel units.
The stroller has front swivel or fixed wheels.
28. To unlock the swivel wheels, lower the lever located between
the two wheels. Use the swivel wheels on smooth surfaces. To lock
the wheels, push the lever in an upward direction (diag. 28).
WARNING: the swivel wheels make the stroller easier to manoeuvre;
on uneven surfaces it is recommended to use locked front wheels
to guarantee the safe use of the stroller (on gravel, unpaved
roads, etc.).
WARNING: All the wheels must always be locked or unlocked
at the same time.
WARNING: When closing the stroller, ensure that your child,
or other children, are kept at a safe distance. Ensure that during
these operations the moveable parts of the stroller do not come
into contact with your child.
29. Raise the calliper shaped mechanisms on the sides of the hood
and fold the hood (diag. 29).
30. Pull both of the trigger open mechanisms, located on the
handles (diag. 30 A), in an upward direction; while keeping them
pulled, unlock the rear locking mechanism, pushing it in an upward
direction with the tip of the foot (diag. 30 B).
31. Hold the close handle and pull in an upward direction, until
the stroller is completely closed and locked (diag. 31).
When the stroller is closed and locked, it stands upright on its
The CHICCO strollers featuring the CLIK CLAK system on the
armrests allow you to fit the carrycot and/or child car seat to the
frame of the stroller without using any additional devices.
To fit or remove the carrycot or child car seat, please refer to the
specific instructions supplied.
WARNING: Only the CHICCO child car seats and carrycots featuring
the CLIK CLAK devices can be fitted to the stroller. Before using the
stroller with the carrycot or child car seat fitted to it, always check
that the locking system is locked into the correct position.
32. WARNING: The incorrect locking of these accessories to the
stroller frame may jam the locking system and prevent their
removal. In this case, unlock the locking devices manually with
a screwdriver, by turning the levers located under the armrests
(diagram 32).
Please read carefully the instruction booklets on how to use the
carrycot and child car seat.
WARNING: The pictures and instructions contained in the booklet
refer to one stroller model. Some of the components and functions
described here may not be available for the model purchased.
WARNING: The accessories described below may not be available for
some versions of this product. Please read carefully the instructions
on the accessories available for the model purchased.
The stroller has two slots, located on the sides, which allow you
to fit the hood.
33. To fit the hood to the frame, slide the locking devices along
the slots, located on the stroller (diag. 33).
34. To open the hood, push the front arch in a forward direction
and lock it, operating the two side calliper shaped mechanisms,
as shown in diagram 34.
35. To remove the rear fabric panel and use the hood as a summer
canopy, open the central zip (diag. 35).
36. To remove the canopy, simply slide the fastening devices in
an upward direction (diag. 36).
WARNING: The canopy must be fixed on both sides of the stroller.
Check that the canopy is fitted correctly into position.
The stroller may come with a rain cover.
37. Fit the rain cover, as shown in diagram 37. After use, if the
rain cover is wet, let it dry in the air before folding the rain cover
to store it.
WARNING: Be extremely careful when using the rain cover.
WARNING: Do not use the rain cover if the stroller is not fitted
with hood or sun-canopy to prevent the risk of suffocation. When
the rain cover is fitted to the stroller, never leave the stroller with
the child onboard to prevent the risk of the child overheating.
The stroller may be supplied with a leg cover, which is ideal in
cold weather.
38. To fit the leg cover, attach the "U" hooks to the frame, as shown
in diagram 38 A. Slide the upper part of the leg cover under the
bumper bar, and fix it into the highest position, inserting the buttons
into the holes located on the armrests (diagram 38 B). When the
weather is milder, the leg cover can be turned over the bumper
bar and fixed to the holes, as shown in diagram 38 C.
The stroller comes with a practical item basket.
39 – The ends of the basket are fitted with 4 clip button fasteners.
To mount the basket on the stroller, thread the tape fasteners
around the back legs of the stroller, above the seat tube (diagram
39A). Then thread the other tape fasteners around the front legs
and press the buttons (see diagram 39 B).
WARNING: Do not overload the basket with weights of over 5
kg. You must remove all contents from the basket before you
close it.
40 – Some versions have a practical holder bag which can be used
with the strap, or carried on your shoulder (diagram 40) by simply
unclipping the strap.
41 – Fasten the bag to the stroller using the strap as seen in diagram
41 A. To attach it without the strap, fasten the two hooks on the
bag to the hooks on the stroller, as seen in diagram 41 B.
WARNING: Do not overload the bag with weights of over 2 kg.
WARNING: Exceeding this limit may compromise the stability of
the stroller and cause it to topple over.
Chicco UK Ltd
Prospect Close
Lowmoor Road Business Park
Kirkby in Ashfield - Nottinghamshire NG17 7LF
Customer Services Helpline Tel: 01623 750870
(office hours only) -