To use the Conference feature up to 3 people, the three devices must be pai-
red in a "chain" configuration.
Pair the Forward button of the BTX1 PRO S in the middle to the Backward
button of BTX1 PRO S (1).
Pair the Backward button of the BTX1 PRO S in the midddle to the Forward
button of the BTX1 PRO S (3).
See picture.
The first and third devices must NOT be paired each other (the chain must not
be closed) and can be other Midland units.
Only for BTX1 PRO, BTX1 FM and BTX2 FM you have to use the Central
Activate Conference mode
After having paired the units in a sort of "chain", now it is necessary to activate
the Conference mode on the device BTX1 PRO S in the middle.
In any mode (no matter which mode is activated) and no active audio, keep
pressed the Central and Forward buttons for 3 seconds. The voice announce-
ment "Conference" will tell you that it is active.
When the Conference mode is active the "Phone" mode is not available be-
cause all the devices paired on Vol+ and Vol – are temporary disconnected to
guarantee the stability of the conference mode.
How to use the conference mode
When the conference mode is active, is possible to open the intercom com-
munication pressing both the FWD and BWD button.
"One Click Talk" function
When the conference mode is active, it is possible to open the intercom com-
munication to all users just in "one click". Press short the CTRL (middle) but-
ton and you will automatically open the conference to all units connected.
Disable the "conference" mode
The conference mode can be disabled in every moment, just pressing the
Forward and Central buttons for 3 seconds. You will hear the voice announce-
ment "Intercom" and from that moment your Midland BTX1 PRO S will start
working with "one to one" intercom and all the devices paired on Vol+ and
Vol- are back, together with the "Phone" mode and the "Talk2All-Universal
intercom" feature.
Attention: when the "conference" mode is active, the "Talk2All- Universal Inter-
com" (to talk with not Midland brand intercom) is not available.
Also if one unit was paired on the CTRL (middle) button, it is temporary una-
vailable, you need to disable the "Conference" mode and go back to the stan-
dard "one to one" Intercom mode.
Universal Intercom Talk 2 All, with different brand unit.
Thanks to the "Talk2 All - Universal Intercom" feature it is now possible to
pair your Midland BTX1 PRO S to a different brand intercom available on the
You can pair a not Midland Intercom on the "Forward" button.
› On the Midland BTX1 PRO S enter the setup mode (with the unit OFF
press and hold down the Middle button about 7 sec. until the Red light is
on permanently).
› Keep pressed the "Forward" button for 7 seconds: the Red and Blu LED
light will start flashing fast, then (while you still keep the button pressed)
the Red and Blu LED lights will change to slow flashing. Now you can stop
pressing the button.
On the other intercom (not Midland brand) follow the procedure to pair to a
phone, because the BTX1 PRO S is paired as a Phone.
If successfully paired the red/blue light will stop flashing and the blu light will
slowly flash.