Safety and the enviroment
Safety and the environment
About this document
Please read this documentation through carefully and
Pay particular attention to information emphasised by the
Avoid personal injury/damage to equipment
Only operate the measuring instrument properly, for its
Never store the product together with solvents, acids or other
Only carry out the maintenance and repair work that is
Protecting the environment
Take faulty rechargeable batteries as well as spent batteries to
Send the product back to Testo at the end of its useful life. We
Quality Testo Products Online at:
familiarise yourself with the product before putting it to use.
Keep this document to hand so that you can refer to it when
necessary. Hand this documentation on to any subsequent
users of the product.
following symbols:
With the signal word Caution!:
Warns against hazards which could result in minor physical injury
or damage to equipment if the precautionary measures
indicated are not taken.
intended purpose and within the parameters specified in the
technical data. Do not use force.
aggressive substances.
described in the documentation. Follow the prescribed steps
when doing so. Use only OEM spare parts from Testo.
the collection points provided for them.
will ensure that it is disposed of in an environmentally friendly