The appliance is built in class 11, so no wire has to be connected with the earth terminal.
The connection to the electrical mains must be made as follows:
BROWN = L line
BLUE = N neutral
If it is not supplied, if a plug normalized on the cord far the load showed on the rating plate. In the case of a direct connection to the
mains, it is necessary to place between the appliance and the mains an omnipolar switch with minimum opening between contacts
of 3 mm dimensioned far the load and corresponding with the laws in force.
ATTENTION: should the lamps not work, make sure they are well tightened.
Mounting of the hood in the lower part of an hanging cupboard
This kind of hood has to be fi tted in an hanging cupboard or in another support. Far fi xing, use 4 screws, which are appropriate to
that kind of cupboard, drilling the hales corresponding to the Fig. 3. Marry the appliance up to the cupboard on the back, line the
frontal part of the hood up to the door of the hanging cupboard by adjusting the right and the left spacers (L) through the screws
(P) Fig. 4.
Changing from exhausting hood to fi ltering one
In order to make this change (possible also after the use of the exhausting system), demand a set of carbon fi lters to your dealer.
Active carbon fi lters are necessary to depure the air, that will be released in the room. Filters are not washable; they cannot be
regenerated and have to be replaced at most every 4 months. The saturation of the activated charcoal depends on the more or
less prolonged use of the hood, on the type of cooking on the regularity of cleaning the grease fi lter. The fi lter has to be applied the
aspirating group, which is inside the hood hiting the centre of the group with it and turning it of 90 degrees until the stop click is
heard to lock it. Remove the grills (G) Fig. 4 to carry out this operation. The air is released in the room through a connecting pipe,
which goes through the hanging cupboard and is connected to the connecting ring supplied (8) Fig. 3.
lt is advisable to let the appliance work far 15 minutes after the cooking of the food in order to remove completely the fumes. The
effective functioning of the hood depends on the regularity with which the maintenance operation are carried out, in particular
those of the anti-grease fi lter and of the active carbon fi lter. The anti-grease fi lter, which rests on the grill, has the function of cat-
ching the particules suspended on the air; so it is subject to get clogged at various intervals, according to the use of the appliance.
In any case at most after two months, it is necessary to clean the fi lter by doing the following operations:
• Remove the fi lter from the grill and wash it with a solution of water and neutral liquid detergent, allowing the dirt to often;
• Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water; allow to dry without twisting and apply it to the grill.
lf the appliance is provided with a metal fi lter, it can be washed also in the dishwasher, dried and reapplied to the grill.
In case the washing instructions of the fi lter should not be followed, it could burst into fl ames.
Clean frequently all the deposits on the fan and on all the other surfaces, using a cloth moistened by methylated spirits ar neutral
and not abrasive fl uid detersive.
Under certain circumstances domestic appliances may be dangerous.
• Do not check fi lters with hood working.
• Do not touch the lamps after a prolonged use of the appliance.
• No food must be cooked fl ambé undemeath the hood.
• The use of an unprotect fl ame is dangerous far the fi lters and could cause fi res.
• Watch constantly the fried food in order to avoid that the cooking ail fi ares up.
• Before performing any maintenance operation, disconnect the hood from the mains.
The Manufacturers refuse to accept any responsability far eventual damages, because of failure to observe the above instructions.
This appliance complies with the direction EMC 89/336/EEC revised 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC.