This device is guaranteed for 1 year as from date of purchase against all manufacturing defects.
This warranty does not cover the consequences of accidents or any use that does not comply with
the manufacturer's instructions.
To be accepted, invoices must include the vendor's stamp and be dated on the day of purchase.
To make a claim under the guarantee, the device must be returned, preferably complete, with the
invoice, carriage paid.
Technical specifications
Device class
Weight (with breast shield)
Size (with breast shield)
Identification: Each breast pump has a batch ID, which indicates the date of manufacture and the
operator code.
Ex: LOT 12-2016 46
12: operator code; 2016: year; 46: Week of manufacture.
-300 hPa
167 gr
190 x 168 x 90 mm
The EC declaration of conformity
can be provided on request.
Operating temperature