Fisher-Price Power Wheels B2223 Manual Del Usuario página 20

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e • Prevent Injuries and Deaths
• Direct Adult Supervision Required.
• Keep Children Within Safe Riding Areas.
These areas must be:
– away from swimming pools and other bodies of water to prevent drownings
– generally level to prevent tipovers
– away from steps, driveways, cars, roads and alleys.
f • Pour prévenir les blessures et la mort
• N'utiliser que sous la surveillance d'un adulte.
• Toujours limiter les enfants à des endroits où ils peuvent utiliser le véhicule en toute sécurité.
Ces endroits doivent être :
– éloignés de piscines et d'autres étendues d'eau pour éviter tout risque de noyade;
– assez plats pour éviter que le véhicule bascule;
– éloignés d'escaliers, d'entrées de garage, de véhicules, de routes et d'allées.
S • Evitar lesiones y la muerte
• Se requiere la supervisión directa de un adulto.
• Mantener a los niños en áreas de juego seguras.
Se recomienda que estas áreas estén:
– lejos de piscinas y otras áreas con agua para evitar accidentes
– niveladas para evitar que se voltee el vehículo
– lejos de escalones, paseos, calles y callejones.
e Teach Safety Rules
to Children
f Apprendre les règles de
sécurité aux enfants
S Enseñe a los niños las
reglas de seguridad
e While children can quickly develop the skill
necessary to drive this vehicle, it is important
to remember that their judgment skills are
still very immature. Unsupervised driving by
children can lead to serious injury. Before
children use this vehicle, an adult should
carefully evaluate the driving area as well as
the children's skill level and ability to drive
this vehicle safely. Children are not always
able to recognize or anticipate hazards, even
when they have been taught about them.
e Rules for Safe Driving
f Règles pour une conduite sécuritaire
S Normas de seguridad para conducir
Teach appropriate safety rules to your child
before allowing operation of this vehicle.
These rules should also be reviewed with
neighborhood children or other playmates
who want to drive this vehicle.
Riding Rules
Make sure children know and follow these
rules for safe driving:
1. Always sit on the seat.
2. Always wear shoes.
3. Only 1 (one) rider at a time. Children that
are not sitting on the seat or are standing
on the vehicle could fall off, cause a tip-
over or block the driver's view. Children
could be seriously injured.
4. Do not allow any child to drive the
vehicle in the street or near moving
(motorized) vehicles.
5. Do not allow any child to drive near bodies
of water (such as pools or creeks),
obstructions (such as furniture, low tree
limbs or play equipment), or drop-offs
(such as stairs or decks).
6. Do not allow any child to drive the vehicle
in the dark. A child could encounter
unexpected obstacles and have an
accident. Operate the vehicle only
in the daytime or a well-lit area.
7. Do not allow your child to drive on sloped
or inclined surfaces. Restrict your
child's driving to generally level
ground ONLY!
8. Do not allow your child to drive down or
across a steep slope.
• The vehicle may gain unsafe speed,
even if the pedal is released to stop.
• The vehicle may tilt and tip over.
• The wheels could lose traction,
causing the vehicle to slip.
9. Do not allow your child to drive up steep
inclines. The motor may stop and the
vehicle could roll backwards at an
unsafe speed.
10. Never put anything near any moving
parts. Rotating parts such as motors, gear
boxes and wheels can snag fingers, hair,
etc., causing serious injury. Do not allow
operation of the vehicle when it is on its
side or in an upside-down position.


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