QPSK Functions (MO-162 / 163 Only)
In this section the menu entries set up the DVB-S tuner are described. (according
to the configuration)
IF Freq : Allows to select the intermediate frequency. Range: from 950 MHz
to 2150 MHz.
Symbol Rate: Allows to select the Symbol Rate of the signal. Range: from
2 MPSsp to 45 MSps.
LNB : Allows to select the LNB power supply, 13 V, 18 V or OFF (The LNB is
powered externally)
22 KHz: Allows to select the 22 KHz LNB signal.
REMOTE control through RS-232 interface (MO-160 / MO-161 Only)
The MO-16X has an RS-232C compatible serial port to connect to a computer for
remote control. A suitable set of remote control commands allows enquiring and
changing any functional parameter.
Communication details: There is a control protocol to synchronize command
reception and validation. A command must be sent once an XON (coded 0x11:
hexadecimal value 11 or 17 in decimal) character is received from the instrument. When
the instrument detects a complete command, it sends an XOFF (0x13) code and, once
validated and executed, an ACK (0x06) or NAK (0x15) code is sent to the remote
To ensure error-free communication between the two devices, the communication
parameters for the serial port on the remote controller are as follows:
Rate: 19200 bauds, Data bits: 8 bits, Parity: None, Stop bits: 1
The MO-16X accepts remote commands at any time, when the instrument is on.
It's not necessary to put the instrument in a special remote control mode. The
communication is carried out using the transmitter and receiver data lines on the serial
port. Also the control signals CTS and RTS must be connected.
A standard PC computer DB9F to DB9F NULL MODEM serial cable can be used
when connecting the instrument to an available COM port.
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